Telephone: 01782 551698

Sciatica Pain

Sub-4 Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Clinic in Staffordshire, West Midlands

Sciatica Pain

​Sciatica Pain, refers to pain that radiates down the sciatic nerve, which branches from your lower back to your hips and bottom and down through each leg. Sciatica usually only affects one side of your body.

A herniated disk or bone spur on the spine or narrowing of the spine (spinal stenosis) can compress the nerve causing inflammation, pain and sometimes some numbness in the leg.

There are exercises for sciatica pain relief but it’s best to get an assessment prior to exercise, to make sure that there are no underlying problems and you are shown the correct way to carry out sciatica exercise.

Sciatica pain can be severe but in most cases can be resolved without the need for surgery. It is important to get this assessed to ensure no further problems occur and you have the correct treatment.

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Sciatica Pain

​Sciatica Pain, refers to pain that radiates down the sciatic nerve, which branches from your lower back to your hips and bottom and down through each leg. Sciatica usually only affects one side of your body.

A herniated disk or bone spur on the spine or narrowing of the spine (spinal stenosis) can compress the nerve causing inflammation, pain and sometimes some numbness in the leg.

There are exercises for sciatica pain relief but it’s best to get an assessment prior to exercise, to make sure that there are no underlying problems and you are shown the correct way to carry out sciatica exercise.

Sciatica pain can be severe but in most cases can be resolved without the need for surgery. It is important to get this assessed to ensure no further problems occur and you have the correct treatment.

Sciatica Pain Signs & Symptoms

Sciatica Pain – Signs & Symptoms


Pain radiating from your lower (lumbar) spine to your bottom and down the back of your leg is the typical indication of sciatica.

Sciatica Pain Diagnosis


The best way to know if you are suffering from Sciatica Pain or there are no underlying conditions causing the pain, is to Book a free assessment with Sub-4 clinic.

The assessment will help to look at the pain and check if it is Sciatica Pain and decide which is the best way to achieve recovery.

Sciatica Pain – Treatment & Cost

The purpose of a Sub-4 free assessment, is to help explore the pain issue you have and determine what (if anything) can be done to treat your Sciatica Pain. A Biomechanical Assessment level can be discussed as well, depending on the level of pain or discomfort you are suffering.

Sciatica Pain – Back & Leg Pain? – Don’t ignore the problem

TELEPHONE: 01782 551698

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We can help you get to the underlying cause of your pain.

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MON – FRI: 9:00am -5:00pm

SAT: 8:00am – 12:00

SUN: Closed

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