Sacroiliac Joint Pain
Sub-4 Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Clinic in Staffordshire, West Midlands
Sacroiliac Joint Pain
Sacroiliac Joint pain, sacroiliac (SI) joints connect your spine and pelvis acting as a shock-absorbing structure.These may be the source of your lower back or buttock pain.
Some research suggests, that this is a high percentage cause of people with chronic low back pain, which can lead to pain and stiffness in your lower back and hips.
because of the nature on location of the sacroiliac (SI) joints, if you are suffering from lower back and hip pains, then it would be a good idea to get this assessed.
Sacroiliac Joint Pain
Sacroiliac Joint pain, sacroiliac (SI) joints connect your spine and pelvis acting as a shock-absorbing structure.These may be the source of your lower back or buttock pain.
Some research suggests, that this is a high percentage cause of people with chronic low back pain, which can lead to pain and stiffness in your lower back and hips.
because of the nature on location of the sacroiliac (SI) joints, if you are suffering from lower back and hip pains, then it would be a good idea to get this assessed.

Sacroiliac Joint Pain Signs & Symptoms
Some common symptoms;
- Pain only one or both sides of your lower back
- Pain with prolonged standing
- Pain that worsens walking, running, or taking large strides
- Pain that worsens getting up from a chair, climbing stairs, or turning in bed
- Muscle tightness or tenderness in your hips or buttocks

The best way to know if you are suffering from Sacroiliac Joint Pain or there are no underlying conditions causing the pain, is to Book a free assessment with Sub-4 clinic.
The assessment will help to look at the pain and check if it is Sacroiliac Joint Pain and decide which is the best way to achieve recovery.
Sacroiliac Joint Pain Treatment & Cost
The purpose of a Sub-4 free assessment, is to help explore the pain issue you have and determine what (if anything) can be done to treat your Sacroiliac Joint Pain. A Biomechanical Assessment level can be discussed as well, depending on the level of pain or discomfort you are suffering.
Sacroiliac Joint Pain, Pain in Lower Back? – Don’t ignore the problem
TELEPHONE: 01782 551698
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We can help you get to the underlying cause of your pain.
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MON – FRI: 9:00am -5:00pm
SAT: 8:00am – 12:00
SUN: Closed