Telephone: 01782 551698

Lower Back Pain

Sub-4 Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Clinic in Staffordshire, West Midlands

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain, The are many things that can cause lower back pain. It is the one of the most common causes of loss of visits to the doctor. It also accounts for a huge number of lost time at work and can stop you participating in sport and everyday activities you enjoy.

A lot of lower back pain, can be the result of an injury, such as muscle sprains or strains due to sudden movements or poor body posture while lifting heavy objects.

Sciatica can cause lower back pain as well as pain down the leg. Low back pain can also caused by certain diseases so it is very important to get it assessed, as soon as possible.

There are exercises for lower back pain, but it is not recommended until you have your lower back pain assessed by a Musculoskeletal podiatrist, who will make an assessment, check for underlying causes and show you the correct way to exercise for a faster recovery.

Lower Back Pain can make your life a misery. Don't Suffer the pain or ignore the problem. Book a Free assessment
Lower Back Pain can make your life a misery. Don't Suffer the pain or ignore the problem. Book a Free assessment

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain, The are many things that can cause lower back pain. It is the one of the most common causes of loss of visits to the doctor. It also accounts for a huge number of lost time at work and can stop you participating in sport and everyday activities you enjoy.

A lot of lower back pain, can be the result of an injury, such as muscle sprains or strains due to sudden movements or poor body posture while lifting heavy objects.

Sciatica can cause lower back pain as well as pain down the leg. Low back pain can also caused by certain diseases so it is very important to get it assessed, as soon as possible.

There are exercises for lower back pain, but it is not recommended until you have your lower back pain assessed by a Musculoskeletal podiatrist, who will make an assessment, check for underlying causes and show you the correct way to exercise for a faster recovery.

Lower Back Pain Signs & Symptoms

Lower Back Pain Signs & Symptoms

Lower Back Pain Symptoms include;

  • Pain and stiffness in the lower back
  • Muscle spasms
  • Rotational movement pain
  • Trouble bending
  • Pain when pick up or lifting objects
Bruised Heel Diagnosis


The best way to know if you are suffering from Lower Back Pain or there are no underlying conditions causing the pain, is to Book a free assessment with Sub-4 clinic.

The assessment will help to look at the pain and check if it is Lower Back Pain and decide which is the best way to achieve recovery.

Lower Back Pain Treatment & Cost

The purpose of a Sub-4 free assessment, is to help explore the pain issue you have and determine what (if anything) can be done to treat your Lower Back Pain. A Biomechanical Assessment level can be discussed as well, depending on the level of pain or discomfort you are suffering.

Lower Back Pain? – Don’t ignore the problem

TELEPHONE: 01782 551698

Your Recovery… is Our Mission!

We can help you get to the underlying cause of your pain.

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CALL: 01782 551698

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MON – FRI: 9:00am -5:00pm

SAT: 8:00am – 12:00

SUN: Closed

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